Trademark and Trade Name Certification

Trademark and trade name certification refers to the fact that the trademark and trade name to be applied for registration can be uploaded to the platform through the Maker-IP platform, and the platform can be used to certify them, confirm the time when the owner uses the unregistered trademark and trade name, and solidify and preserve the fact that the owner uses the trademark before the trademark is approved for registration. In case of infringement, relevant data of the preserved trademarks and trade names can be easily extracted from the platform and used as effective evidence for submitting for judicial rights protection. Trademarks and trade name certification materials can be kept confidential or publicized freely according to users' needs.

Issue the Intellectual Property Electronic Data Preservation Certificate

Issued by: Maker-IP Platform

Beijing Zhongzhi Zhihui Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Certificate Authority Co., Ltd., Electronic Data Judicial Authentication Center of Beijing Network Association

Note: E-Cert 200 yuan/pcSpecial price 0 yuan/piece during the event

Authenticated category

Trademark Certification
Owners of unregistered trademarks can upload the trademarks and trade names to the platform.
Trade Name Certification
Owners of unregistered trademarks can upload the trademarks and trade names to the platform.
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